Meet the new EG Board!

Group photo taken immediately after the first open-meeting of the year with the board members dutifully wearing their masks in full compliance with anti-Covid safety measures.
The new members of the European Generation's board have been asked to write a few words about themselves to help old and new members to get to know them better. These are their origin stories.
Madam President Giulia Comelli

I’m a 22-years-old Italian student of the Master in Politics and Policy Analysis. I am originally from Vicenza, a small but cute city next to Verona, and moved to Milan to study for my bachelor in economics at Bocconi. I joined European Generation already in my first year because I was - a bit naively - in love with the concept of the EU. The association made me grow personally and now I can say I’m less naive but still very hopeful for the European project. The topics that interest me the most are ecological sustainability and civil rights, but I’m in general passionate about discussing current events or issues with my fellow students or anyone interested, and I found EG to be the perfect place for me. I was originally a member of the Events division and last year I was chosen as vice president. I’m so very excited to be the president of the association this year!
Madam Vice President Hanna Gesang

Hello everyone, I am Hanna, this year’s Vice-President of European Generation. I am currently in the final year of my bachelor in International Politics and Government here at Bocconi. After stumbling into an open meeting of European Generation during my first semester, I have gone from being a member of the events division to Head of Events and I am now VP. EG has been an integral part of my Bocconi experience and I have learnt just as much working in the association as I have during my lectures. Thanks to EG, I have organized events, chaired at the EYD, participated in the Report on the Future of Europe and of course attended our internal debates – but most importantly, I have had the opportunity to exchange views with students and learn about Europe in a completely new way.
When I am not studying politics or working for EG, you can find me exploring Italy (preferably with my friends) or baking.
I am very excited for what will surely be an eventful year for European Generation!
Head of the Events division Amalia Fumagalli

My name is Amalia Fumagalli and I am a second year student in the Bachelor of Science in Economic and Social Sciences. I joined European Generation in September 2020, in my first year. After finishing high school at Liceo Classico Bartolomeo Zucchi in Monza, a city 20 kilometers north of Milan, where I focused on literature and Italian, Ancient Greek and Latin, I decided to devote myself to Economics convinced that through its understanding I would have had a better chance to understand the contemporary world and its underlying interconnectedness - one year and a half later, I still firmly believe it. During my first year at European Generation, as a member of the Events division, I helped organize several events and in particular I managed the organization of the event “Energy autarky in EU”, which took place in May 2021. To get to know me a little bit more, in my spare time I enjoy keeping up with and discussing social and environmental issues of our time, attempting to learn languages, cooking vegan dishes, reading and exploring new places. I’m enthusiastic about the European Union and what it has to offer! As Head of Events this year, with my team members we will do our best to offer new exciting events open to all the Bocconi community.
Head of the Media Division Miguel Rodriguez

Hi everyone, I'm Miguel, the current Head of the Media Division.
I would define myself as a marketing and geopolitics passionate and probably that is the reason why I am a Marketing Management student and I am also part of this beautiful association since early 2020. I am also a very pragmatic person who prefers actions and facts to words… but most importantly I’m a huge Formula 1 and football lover (forza Milan)!
But in seriousness, I decided to join this incredible team because I strongly believe in what the European Union stands for, nonetheless I am convinced that it is time to make the voice of younger people to be heard.
Moreover, having South American origins and having grown up in Milan gave me the privilege to see a lot of different point of views on how the political rules are very different across the world and even on how it is important to be part of supranational entity like the EU (just think at the different measures that were put in place to take on pandemic).
So, last but not least, I hope you will like our social network rubrics!
Head of HR & Operations Katarina Polovina

My name is Katarina Polovina and I am a 3rd year student at Bocconi University, in the course of International Politics and Government. I originally come from Serbia, and I’ve lived in a small town in the northern part of the country up until the age of 19. I joined European Generation in September 2020, with the aim to learn more about the European Union and meet likeminded people. I started off as a member of HR & Operations and worked my way up to my current position by helping in the organization of meetings and the recruitment, but especially in the organization of the European Youth Debate. I got particularly interested in organizational management after completing a Summer School Course at the London School of Economics called “Leadership in Organizations” and am aiming to continue my education in that direction. Nevertheless, the experience I’ve gotten in European Generation has been of immense help and more than I ever expected!
Head(s) of the Writing division Iacopo Andreone (1st semester)

Hello there, I am Iacopo (as you may have figured from the heading) and I am a third year BIEF econ student. I have been part of the association and of the writing division for one year, during which I conceived and managed the rubric "Geopolitics of the EU". As my past activity suggests, I am very much into geopolitics and strategic issues on a European and global level. Even though I share with many others the dream of a United Europe, my vision never really break too much away from reality, a feature that often tends to emphasize my cynical side more than it should. As a free speech hardliner expect any conversation with me to get "more controversial by the minute" (quotation from Hanna Gesang).
I am also a huge nerd and big fan of the Star Wars, MCU and LOTR universes. I used to play games a lot before moving from my hometown (Naples) to come to study in Milan where Bocconi obviously took away most of my free time.
Head(s) of the Writing division Federica Carminati (2nd semester)

Federica Carminati here😊, Italian first year Master student in Economics and Management for Government and International Organizations (GIO) here in Bocconi University. I did my Bachelor in Bocconi as well, in Government and International Politics (BIG), and I joined European Generation when I was in my second year, more precisely at the beginning of the second semester, so I have been a member of the association for quite a while now and even before Covid-19 times luckily, always as a member of the Writing Division. You may wonder why you are reading about me here if I’m not the current Head of the Writing Division (Iacopo Andreone is) but I’m actually going to become Head at the beginning of the second semester of this year while Iacopo will be abroad. I’m very looking forward to work with all of you, I’m confident we will achieve great results and, why not, have fun in the meanwhile!
PS A few things about myself, I’m coffee addicted; fond of walking and exploring around but I also enjoy a lot a good movie or TV series or book.