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European Generation Board

EG Board

In the occasion of the 2020 fall recruitment, we have asked to all board members to briefly describe what European Generation means to them. In this way we hope to provide a better sense of what EG stands for to all those who might be interested in joining. In the meantime, we wish you good luck for the new year!

When people ask me about EG, it's always difficult for me to explain to them the world behind the label “student association”. And probably I was the first one not completely realizing how much a group of students with the same passions and drives can achieve working together. I only realized it during the last EYD edition, where I had the opportunity to know, work, and exchange opinions with more than one hundred other students just like me.

A little epiphany that led me to want to give more and more to the association and the funny part is that EG is giving me back even more. Next year when I will no longer be in Bocconi this experience will be for sure one of the most important things I’ll bring with me from Milan.

Giulia Comelli Vice President

I have been a part of European Generation for two years now, and I am so glad to have found such a lively and engaging community. I immediately felt welcomed and found really interesting people here, which helped me grow as a European citizen and as a person. To me, EG means having a place where I know my voice will be heard, where I can share my ideas and learn from different people about their beliefs and dreams. I think that one of the main strengths of the association is to create a stimulating environment for discussions, where people are always eager to share their opinions professionally and respectfully. In EG, I found passionate students, with whom it is always a pleasure to talk, spend fun evenings, and organize events. Being part of European Generation also helped me expand my network outside Bocconi and Italy, and put me in contact with high-profile associations and institutions.

Paolo Agnesina Head of Media

European Generation is for me a unique opportunity to exchange and debate ideas about the future of Europe and the different challenges that we face as Europeans: this is something extraordinary when you think that 75 years ago young people of our age were sent to the frontline on opposing sides all over Europe. It is precisely because we need to avoid something like this to happen again that a truly European Generation matters, with students coming from all over Europe confronting themselves on a variety of topics that range from technological innovation in the European Union to the collective response given by the EU against the coronavirus crisis.

One experience I found very interesting was an event organized by European Generation where cartoonists and video-makers were invited to have a discussion about satire and its limits today, a topic I personally find essential to the public debate.

Andrea Casetta Head of Operations & HR

I’ve been part of EG since the very beginning of my career in Bocconi. Back then, I joined to deepen my great passion: politics. It quickly became much more than that. Being full of brilliant individuals from different countries and following different paths, it is a symposium where to learn almost anything about our Union. Not to mention our large network of alumni, many of whom are now pursuing ambitious intentions, capable of giving precious advice. This year I'm more than excited to be sitting in the Board and ready to meet the many of you who would like to discover more about our Association!

Hanna Gesang Head of Events

Everybody who has had the opportunity to study abroad knows that there are many amazing moments – trying new foods, learning a new language, seeing new places. But sometimes, living in another country can be exhausting. You don’t understand what the fruit vendor is saying, it’s way too warm and nothing seems to be as easy as it is in your home country. That is how I felt when I stumbled into my first ever EG meeting. I was tired and a part of me wanted to go home to Germany. I had seriously considered not going to the meeting at all – and I am so, so grateful that I did. Immediately, the atmosphere in the room felt warm and welcoming. There were loads of people from all over the world, connected by their excitement about Europe. Since that first meeting, EG has taught me a lot and continues to provide me with amazing opportunities, like becoming Head of Events for the upcoming year. Nevertheless, the most important lesson EG taught me and continues to teach me is that no matter where we are from, we have far more in common with each other than the things that divide us.

Alice Rossini Head of Writing

I joined European Generation three years ago and I have always been part of the writing division. EG does not only mean sharing with other a knowledge that you already have through articles or presentations: indeed, EG is, first of all, a group of twenty-something years old student from Bocconi University, that have completely different backgrounds and cultures but share one big passion, the European Union. We strongly believe that the European project is the key to a better future. While some people may consider this trivial, I strongly believe that there is not a specific best moment that I have lived with EG: there are many small moments that at that time seemed irrelevant, but that at the end helped me to answer some questions, motivated me to conduct more research on a given topic or provided me the tools to express structured opinions in a conversation. This is EG, one word cannot describe it, but I hope I could give you a sense of it and that I achieved the goal to trigger at least a bit of your curiosity.

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