European Youth Debate @EXPO 2015 – Road to zero poverty
"European Youth Debate @EXPO 2015 – Road to zero poverty” is an event organised by the Bocconi-based student association European Generation, hosted by the European Parliament Information Office in Milan and
coordinated by Ragnarock, Non-profit cultural association;
with the support of the European Documentation Center of the Bocconi University, in the framework of the initiative «European Year for Development.
Our world, our dignity, our future», with the support of the European Commission.
It was held on October 4th 2015 at the European Union Pavilion at the EXPO 2015, in Milan, from 11 am to 6 pm.
The first edition of the European Youth Debate focused on EU’s policies to eradicate absolute poverty, the "Road to Zero Poverty", a topic which is linked and complementary to the EXPO 2015 theme, being hunger and poverty closely interrelated issues.
The event concept is based on the principle that there is no awareness without participation, and no participation without awareness.
The meeting format provided both top-class knowledge and the opportunity to translate it into action, through a guided and highly interactive debate, a conception that can be summarized by the EYDs motto:
Spread awareness, ignite the debate.
Globalization's impact on development
Impact of multinationals on EU growth
Support to Heavily Indebted Poor Countries
The Economic Partnership Agreements and Growth Sustainability
Franco Conzato (DG-DEVCO, European Commission)
Bruno Marasà (Director European Parliament Information Office in Milan)
Paolo Roberto Graziano (Bocconi University)